Friday, June 23, 2006

My phone's not ringing!

I didn't have any fun with the Google Minesweeper Puzzle so don't expect any more comments about that here. Instead, I started both the Google US Puzzle Championship puzzles and the Up Your Budget promotion.

For Budget, two guys are travelling the US and stopping at strange landmarks (houses made of liquor bottles, boulders painted like rocks...) and recording a short video piece explaining the significance of the spot. Your goal is to find the total distance they trave (point to point) each week from the clues. This involves finding the things and calculating the geodesic distance between them from the longitude and lattitude.
My answers for Week 3:

Neon Bone Yard N 36 10 42.97 W 115 8 6.71

Bonnie&Clyde Car N 35 36 36.97 W 115 23 10.25 -- 41.64 mi

Zzyzx Resort N 35 08 34 W 116 06 14 -- 51.78 mi

Calico Bottle House N 34 56 58.89 W 116 51 52.50 -- 45.13 mi

Integraton N 34 17 39.49 W 116 24 14.24 -- 52.25 mi

Desert Christ Park N 34 07 46.22 W 116 26 24.83 -- 11.55 mi

Salton Sea N 33 31 10.33 W 115 56 15.95 -- 51.02 mi

Salvation Mountain N 33 15 15.24 W 115 28 21.31 -- 32.52 mi

Hi-Jolly's Tomb N 33 39 52.26 W 114 14 11.00 -- 76.80 mi

Jail Tree N 33 58 07.95 W 112 43 48.12 -- 89.16 mi

Frog Rock N 34 11 7.65 W 112 49 29.29 -- 15.89 mi

Skull Rock N 34 24 03.02 W 112 56 08.74 -- 16.15 mi


Skull Rock N 34 20 37.82 W 112 55 41.17 -- 12.41 mi

The real answers will be posted soon. Since my phone *still* isn't ringing, I'm afraid that this is another big prize I won't add to my coffer for the summer.


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